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Seaside Heights 2013

Well, I am back from Seaside Heights. I am BURNT. Like, I am in full lobster mode and don’t wanna move because it hurts so bad. Took a cold shower, applied tons of aloe gel, nothing is helping, really. Was it worth it? Maybe. Eh…. yeah maybe. But I might be going again next week and definitely will be applying tons of sunblock. My very pale skin doesn’t appreciate the power of the sun.

Mucho Mango - Seaside Heights 2013

Here’s the image I posted on Instagram, I’m @kahmarun.

I sent an email to Tech Entrepreneur David Di Franco, since he goes to Seaside every year and makes a series of his annual visits. I asked him some places to go, he said see where he went in his videos and check out Midway. Midway is a food joint on the boardwalk and has amazing food. Check em out.

Seaside Heights Soon

Tomorrow (later today, actually) I will be heading to Seaside Heights. Expect photos and possible video content.